Ministerialrat Alexander Bornemann, Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection, Head of the Insolvency Law Division, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Bernd Heuermann, retired presiding judge of the V. Senate of the Federal Fiscal Court, Munich
Dr. Günter Kahlert, Attorney at Law and Tax Advisor, Chairman of the Hamburger Kreis für Sanierungs- und Insolvenzsteuerrecht e.V., Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Godehard Kayser, retired Presiding Judge of the IXth Civil Senate of the Federal Court of Justice, Karlsruhe
Ministerial Director Tanja Mildenberger, Federal Ministry of Finance, Head of the Customs, Value Added Tax and Excise Tax Department, Berlin
Ministerialdirektor Dr. Rolf Möhlenbrock, Federal Ministry of Finance, Head of Tax Division - Direct Taxes, Berlin
Ministerial Director Gabriele Nieradzik, Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection, Head of the Administration of Justice Division, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Andreas Piekenbrock, University of Heidelberg, Institute for Civil Law, Labor Law and Insolvency Law, Chair for Civil Law and Insolvency Law, Heidelberg
Dr. Arne Schmidt, Attorney at Law and Tax Advisor, Member of the Hamburger Kreis für Sanierungs- und Insolvenzsteuerrecht e.V., Hamburg
Dr. Marius Schumann, Judge at the Berlin-Brandenburg Fiscal Court, currently a consultant at the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection, Berlin